Designation: Team Leader / Mascot / King of the Poses (check out my facebook to see his many poses)
Strength: Friendly with everybody... strong route question and treasure question solver; the team's voice of reason and the "glue" that holds the team together.
Weakness: Needs to be "pure" of heart, eyes, spiritually and mentally - so no hanky panky stuff at least 48 hours before any treasure hunt!
Designation: Team Member / One-time driver
Strength: Bubbly the hubby - strong treasure question solver and have the weirdest reasoning for the route question answers (which weirdly enough, I always agree!), when both hubby and wife are on form, they can answer questions with relative ease...
Weakness: Refer Farid's...husband and wife sama laa...
Designation: Team Member / Former Navigator, now Driver
Strength: Good sense of direction, strong route question solver, usually the odd one out...the other 3 of us may agree on an answer but she has another way of answering it...Not always right, but when she does get it right...adoi laaa...She's also the team's organizer for all the hunts, handling our finances and schedules...
Weakness: Could never agree with me...hahaha...
Designation: Team Member / Former Driver, now Navigator
Strength: Jack of all trades, master of none...I can answer here a bit, there a bit...There was this one time when I almost managed to answer all the treasure questions on my own, well...almost la...Haha...
Weakness: I start all the treasure hunts questions with "D'huh???"...I'm always the slowest guy off the block...
As a team, we have not been able to be serious during hunts. There's always something that would make us laugh. Be it some crazy idea of what would be an answer to a question we couldn't solve or the non-ending "arguments" that we always have that no one can win. Hahaha...we can answer some difficult questions with ease, but would get the wrong answers for the easy ones. Sometimes we tend to over-think about a question, when the answers are so easy even a newbie can answer it!
As we would describe ourselves: "Macam-Macam Adaaaa...!!!"
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