Thursday, January 1, 2009

Good riddance 2008? Hello 2009...?

It's the new year. 1430 Hijrah, and 2009...For me, 2008 has been a challenging year, both personally, and professionally. I wish I could just erase 2008 in terms of professional field, but I would have to erase several good things that happened during the year for me.

Yeah, disappointingly I'm still in shift work, which do not bring me joy. I just wonder what is it with people in this company that sees me in shift work. I despise it even more after this year, not because of the many sacrifices that I have to make to work in this field, the time it took me away from being with my family or the destruction of my social life. No...I hate shift work because of the boredom that it brings.

Yeps, it is so so boring to work in shift, and I wonder how long I can stand working this way. It holds no challenges for me anymore and I need challenges every single day that I come to work. And how do you find challenges in something that bores you? That is a conundrum that I still do not have the answer.

I found solace in photography and in Treasure Hunts, and for that I really appreciate the support that my wifey - Azz, my close friend Linda, and the 2 of the most lovable people I've known - DQ and Farid have given me. I might have gone crazy have I not found something that I can re-focus my negative energy on. We hope to do better in Treasure Hunting in the future, and I hope I can improve my skills in photography further, which is currently at level 0. Heh.

For my family, I hope to build my own small family soon. God has other plans for me, so those tini tiny patter of lil foot hasn't arrived in our home yet. But we haven't given up hope yet. When delayed, good things come even greater, insyaAllah. Credit and salute to my wife for being strong for the both of us, and not giving up hope yet. I know then as I know now that I've found my soul mate in her. I can never say enough of how much I love her.

My mother is still battling on against cancer. The latest news haven't been great, but that didn't break her spirit. I'm disappointed that I couldn't do more for my mother, and couldn't spend more time with her in her time of need. Credit to my mum, even when she's this sick the only thing that seem to disappoint her is that she couldn't take good care of my father. Talk about being unselfish, that's my mum - THE iron lady.

For my dad, I pray that he stays healthy, and at least pay attention to his health. He's so preoccupied with taking care of my mum that he forgets sometimes that he's not in his best health. And I hope he gets better at his golf as well. :-)

For my brother, I hope he finds a wife to take care of him. I know he's worried about our parents that he rarely takes care of himself; he either buries himself in work or in food. I can see it in his eyes how worried he is, he rarely spoke of how he feels as he tends to hide it inside him...I pray in my heart that he finds someone that can see how good of a person he really is.

For my elder sis and her lil family, I love u guys to bits. I wish I can spend more time with you, as everytime I see Amir and Asyraf; they seem to grow up so fast (!). I pray for your success in life, and salute your patience and strength. Oh yeah, in case u don't know...Kakwan, you're the unofficial coordinator for all of us for any family gathering. So keep up the good work. Hehe.

For my lil sis...find a good man to take care of you, please? She grew up so fast in the last few years, it's only a few months back that I realize that she's working already and driving her own car(!). Damn, I'm getting old. Haha. For her strength and courage in taking care of mum, I salute her. She does it almost automatically, I don't think she knows it, but when my mum needs her, she's always there! As I did for my brother, I pray for her to find her true love as well...and I know that she'll be successful in anything she does and makes us all proud.

Onwards to 2009 / 1430Hijrah...!

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