Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kembara Ansara 2009

What was supposed to be the last hunt for 2008, became our very 1st hunt for 2009! Although it took awhile to finally have the hunt, it was postponed from last month, it was a challenging outing for all of us - we were basically "off-form" for this hunt. But we had fun nonetheless...

To start off the hunt, the 1st challenge was finding 5 words of ASMARA (the ANSARA co-op) in a puzzle. Sounds easy, not so for our team...heh, we have our usual slow start to the day. In the end, I think we were either the last or 2nd last team to finish off the puzzle. The next challenge was not part of the hunt, I think even En.Zahrol didn't count on this as well. The 1st question was along the stretch of road beside the MAS training centre. And there was a group of ladies dressed in kebayas going into the building. I think they had an interview session or something that day. And as you know, we have 2 red-blooded male in our team and it was totally distracting! Hahahahaha...oh yeah, that was fun... :-)

We struggled on the 1st part of the hunt, as usual, unfortunately. After finishing off the 1st part (actually, almost giving up on the 1st part), we went thru the rest of the hunt with only minor bumps. There's also the time we miscalculated the distance and mistook a junction, which needed us to re-trace our steps back. My mistake on that part since I didn't counter-check the distance on the tulips against our own trip meter earlier. That took a lot out of the time that should have been allocated to find the treasure items. But we managed to find all the treasures, although we believed that we might have lost some points on the SHORTEA biscuits (ergh...)

At the end of the hunt, as the results were about to be announced, we've collectively resigned ourselves to the fact that we did not do well in this hunt as we should have been. So it took awhile for us to actually realize that En.Zahrol was calling our team's name to collect the 15th placed prize. Le...dapat placing gak...Hahaha...Alhamdullilah... :-)

All in, we've always enjoyed his treasure hunts, although I do believe that En.Zahrol must find a better setting, at the very least a better loud hailer or microphone & speakers for his hunts. Tak dengar laa...

On to the next hunt!


Anna said...

got placing.. unbelievable.. when zahrol called out our names... we were kinda lost.."what is it for?? the special ansara gift? what?? ooo.. placing.." hehehe.. never tout we could win something.. anyway.. well-spent on the cash gift- couple seats at aeon bkt tinggi- REC... spanish version of quarantine.. we did learn few spanish words....

Anna said...

we will have better position if we submit the correct shortea.. instead of 3 packs.. should have bought pack of 3.. but didn't see it in giant...sigh