Monday, November 17, 2008

Chronicles of Shaggy...

The lil dude, or as I like to call it nowadays: si kenit is growing up...One thing we notice is that his appetite is increasing and he seem to like his mother's food more than his own. On top of that he still drinks his mother's milk. No wonder his belly is growing at a faster rate than the rest of his body. Hahaha...

We've let him roam around inside the house most of the time, seldom putting him in the cage, as he already knows where to do"business"...The mother comes by to lepak with him everyday now. So at least he has company when we're not around. If we are, we usually let him out...since he can run quite fast nowadays and darts for the front door if ever we open it. And one of the most cutest thing we notice nowadays is that he's starting to be a lot more playful, which fascinates my wife all the time.

Enjoy the pix...

1 comment:

Anna said...

comelnya first pix tu.. geram tgk.. makin nakal la nie...